There is no English equivalent of "Kung Fu".

However, the closest translation of the term is "achievement through great effort".

Originally, to practice kung fu did not just mean to practice Chinese martial arts. Instead, it referred to the process of one's training - the strengthening of the body and the mind, the learning and the perfection of one's skills - rather than to what was being trained. It refers to excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor. You can say that a person's kung fu is in cooking, or that someone has kung fu in calligraphy; saying that a person possesses kung fu in an area implies skill in that area, which they have worked hard to develop. Someone with "bad kung fu" simply has not put enough time and effort into training, or seems to lack the motivation to do so. (Wikipedia)

Ironically, our goal is to give you Kung Fu Learning, but without the kung fu effort. The course developers on this site all have two things in common: They are subject matter experts, and they are experts in teaching and learning. What that means is that our courses not only contain the best, most relevant information in each subject area -- they are created to help you make the most of your investment in learning.

One other thing sets us apart from the other learning opportunities out there: When you learn with us, you have access to real people, for the duration of your course. Everyone knows that learning is a social activity, and we don't think that you can master anything by watching a DVD. Our classes are active, dynamic, and interactive.

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